
Together, we prosper !

Welcome to join us

Our Team is faster growing and expanding. We have 4 local branch offices and we are continue looking for more talents. We are looking for:

  • Branch Office Manger to supervise a branch and build teams

  • Team leaders to build team and lead teammate to next level

  • Real Estate (Requirement)

  • Loan originator (Requirement)

  • Loan processors

  • Escrow Coordinators

Company Strength

  • One stop shop to help agent close more and build a stronger relationship with customer

    • Licensed as both real estate and mortgage

    • Agents can close deals on both sides and become one stop shop for customer

    • Know customer very well and be able to provide excellent solution

  • 4 local branch offices help agent meet and work with customer closely

  • Team up with over 80+ agents and supporting staff

    • Enjoy group benefits from large volume and team efforts

    • Share and learn from team experience, view and skills

    • Inspired by other agent’s performance and stay in competition

    • Never afraid to not be able to close due to lack of support

    • Potential to close deals in unfamiliar area by leveraging co-workers.

  • Strong networking , connections and recognition with other real estate company

  • Work for larger territories.

  • More approved lenders. Tier-1 wholesale broker with lower interest rate, better service and extra bonus.

    • Competitive interest rate

    • Too many lenders to choose from

    • Great processing team

    • Able to handle difficult and complicated transactions

    • Strong lender relationship

  • 1 to 1 team training and group training to stay up-to-date

  • Full-time team support.

    • Private loan processor or transaction coordinator ready for use

  • Stay Up-to-date for technology

    • Great tools to work more efficient

    • Remote access system to help you work anywhere

    • Better pipeline management, accounting and report system to save your efforts.

  • Higher Commission split level based on Performance or experience and fast check-split

  • Great logistic system to help agent focus on sale

  • Transaction will be audited to help your compliance need for license

Words from Broker

  • Everyone can shine as a star

  • Knowledge and sharing is power

  • Opportunities are always there and belong to people persistently chasing them

  • Both real estate and mortgage are fun. Walk in both legs if possible.

  • Work hard on every deal and try to treat it as your own

StarRiver to me

When I joined my first company, I learned a lot from many of my co-workers and feel so graceful to have them. They are like stars light up my career path.

Later on when I started a new brokerage. The name "StarRiver" came up from the simple wish that this company can be a great platform or place for all agents to meet and shine together. Inspire each other act like stars and form a beautiful river full of star performers and continue to moving forward.

Now we had experienced and witnessed so many different type of star agents in our team. Some focused on sellers, some focused on buyers, some dig great deals and some are developers. It's just so wonderful to work together and make the sky brighter.

So no matter where you are, we wish you can join us and reach the next level of your career. My duty is to support you to the next level.

Join us and we are looking for to work with you for:

  • Fast start and stay focus

  • Result driven and steady moving forward

  • Great team support for scale up

  • More effective evaluation and build new goal

  • Help agent achieve knowledge from both real estate and loan

  • Knowledge can make the difference, work smart

  • We help you handle the problems and release pressure

  • Retain customer and build a strong relationship with customer

  • Stay up to trend with market trend, high-tech and tools